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    What Attorneys are Saying about NLRG

    Michael Lewis, Oxford, MS

    Paul Ferrer is one of my heroes. His intellect, sunny personality and finely honed judgment was of great assistance and comfort at every stage of our appeal.

    Tags: Paul A. Ferrer, MS

    Mark Chinn, Jackson, MS

    "The research Brett [Turner] did was perfect and suited my purposes perfectly. He is an absolute delight to work with and I know that I'm working with the very best in the country."

    Tags: Brett R. Turner, MS

    Robert Q. Whitwell, Ashland, MS

    Your staff was very prompt in assisting me on a Response Memorandum which was greatly appreciated.

    Tags: MS

    Gaines S. Dyer, Greenville, MS

    I would like to thank NLRG for their superb and professional work... The information provided to me was extremely helpful in my case and was done promptly... I would like to particularly thank Mr. Rieber for his insight in handling a very complex matter.

    Tags: Mark V. Rieber, MS

    Stephen L. Henning, Batesville, MS

    Quality research helps me as a sole practitioner.

    Tags: MS

    Luke J. Schissel, Greenwood, MS

    I am well satisfied - your attorneys are very professional!

    Tags: MS

    William Larry Latham, Jackson, MS

    NLRG provides our firm consistent quality research support in a timely manner.

    Tags: MS

    Shawnassey Howe, Jackson, MS

    Very good information... Doug Plank provided a good treatment of a very unsettled area of law.

    Tags: Douglas C. Plank, MS

    W. Benton Gregg, Jackson, MS

    The outcome of the research was against our position!  That's a matter of law, though, and I'm very glad to know that now as opposed to later.  Well done!  Under budget and on time.  Thanks so much for your thorough and speedy work.

    Tags: MS